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Wild River


My projects range across species and ecosystems but are always tied to improving management and understanding of the natural world through an applied framework.



 A comprehensive, multifaceted research program to estimate deer abundance, evaluate influences of CWD on demographic and behavioral parameters, determine infection rates relative to these parameters, and develop a spatially explicit population model that will forecast the effects of agency management actions on the future spread of CWD and the consequences to the white-tailed deer herd. 


Understanding the link between environmental factors such as disturbance events, land cover, and soil productivity to spatial variation in animal distributions and vital rates 




The effects of dormant season fire on bats are largely unknown and a concern for managers who need to weigh habitat management goals with maintaining bat populations reeling from white-nose syndrome. As such, we investigated winter bat activity and Lasiurine bat roost selection within a pyric landscape.


Using fisher's memories to reconstruct historical harvest data in data-deficient fisheries

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